Online Offer Process
We specialize in selling real estate using online offers! Billions of dollars in real estate is sold every year using this method. This is a different way of marketing that brings excitement, competition, higher sales prices, and lower fees to the seller! Best of all, it ONLY takes 14 days.

Search MLS
Shop for a home just like a REALTOR. No need to waste time and effort looking at Zillow, Trulia, Realtor.com or other sites with listings that are outdated or worse yet sold. Our site is a “direct access” MLS feed that is updated every 60 seconds with the newest listings, so you have access to the most current list of homes that are REALLY available! Fast, efficient, and UP TO DATE! Check it out now!

Mortgage Calculator
Buying a home is a big investment with expenses you may not have thought about. Use our mortgage calculator to estimate your mortgage payment, including taxes and insurance. Calculate your TOTAL monthly payment with applicable finance charges, PMI, hazard insurance, and property taxes. Should You Pay Points to Lower Your Interest Rate? Calculate how points will affect your monthly payments!